
Game companies can be assigned to games in Playnite as developers and publishers. Like other metadata the name of those companies can vary from one metadata provider to another (or even the same in the case of Wikipedia). Often business entity descriptions are added of left out and many companies change parts of their name in their lifetime. Company Companion is an extension to help you manage those companies. It can do the following:
- Merge duplicate companies
- Remove Business entity descriptions like Ltd. or Co.
- Find and merge similar named companies by removing special characters and generic strings like “Interactive”, “Games”, “Studios”
Planned features
- optional fuzzy search to find similar companies
- option to filter only publishers or developers, to manage then separately.
- ignore list to keep specific companies from being merged with similar ones.
- option to save merge groups to automatically merge them again, when games were added or updated.
- option to find and manually split comma separated companies.
- maybe add additional information to companies like descriptions and links (via own dialog window).
You can download the extension directly in the add-ons menu in Playnite or via the add-on database on the Playnite website. The source code is available on GitHub.