
Playnite supports a wide variety of different metadata you can add to the games in your library. Those can be entered manually but also automatically through metadata prividers like IGDB or my own Wikipedia addon. All of these sources can have very different approaches to naming and categorizing their metadata, which can quickly become confusing and disorganized in Playnite. This is where Metadata Utilities comes in. With the add-​on, you can organize metadata of the types age rating, category, developer, feature, genre, platform, publisher, region, series and tag. You have the following options:

  • Quickly filter and edit said metadata in the new Metadata Editor.
  • Merge together similar metadata without being constrained to only one type (you can easily merge categories and tags together for example).
  • Automatically execute merge rules after metadata changes or manually.
  • Manipulate metadata based on certain conditions with conditional actions.
  • Simply change the type of your metadata in one step.
  • Separate metadata items by prefixes defined by you, that then can be filtered or easily added to new items.
  • Add or remove values to the fields directly in the details view and display them like different user-​defined fields using the prefixes. To do this, the theme must support the Metadata Utilities controls (e.g. KNARZnite).
  • Hide individual values such as auxiliary tags of other add-​ons in the details view (also only possible in the Metadata Utilities controls).
  • Automatically remove unused metadata on start up (deactivated by default).
  • Automatically remove unwanted metadata after metadata updates.
  • Add context menu entries to quickly add, remove or toggle metadata in games to the game context menu. You can configure which will show up in the menu and how via the addon settings. Per default none are shown.
  • Regex support for filtering in all search boxes of the addon.
  • Quickly set the user score of a game via the context menu.

All points apply to age ratings, categories, developers, features, genres, platforms, publishers, regions, series and tags. Quick add also enables completion status and source. Conditional actions, on the other hand, support almost all existing fields as conditions and can also manipulate most of them.

The addon is overlapping with the Library Management extension to some degree, because I wasn’t really happy with how some of its features (merging mostly) work. Metadata Utilities doesn’t and won’t completely replace Library Management, so you can use both together. I’d just recommend to restrict your usage of merging and similar functions that automatically change metadata in the background to one of both addons.

Planned features

  • Add window to quickly edit metadata for a game, that is easier to use for this use case than the standard game detail editor.


You can download the extension directly in the add-​ons menu in Playnite or via the add-​on database on the Playnite website. The source code is available on GitHub.


The values don’t change in the detail view after I merged or otherwise edit them with the addon.

Those are only visual bugs. The metadata gets modified like it should, but the detail view unfortunately doesn’t always recognize the changes. When you switch to another game and back you should see the correct data. AFAIK that’s a bug in Playnite itself that I can’t fix myself. However, this only affects themes that do not support the controls provided by Metadata Utilities. If these are integrated, the bug should no longer exist.