What is Quick Add?

The quick add functionality adds menu entries to the context menu to quickly add, remove or toggle specific metadata items for the currently selected games without going to the edit dialog, selecting the item manually and then clicking save.

How do I use it?

Out of the box none of your metadata items are displayed in the context menu. You’ll need to add the ones you want to have in the menu in the addon settings under the Quick Add tab. With the buttons on the right you can add all items you want and after they are added, you can then specify, if you want a menu entry to add, remove or toggle them. You can also set a custom menu path to organize your menu a little better.

After you added items in the addon settings, you’ll find them in the context menu for the selected games. A checkbox next to the menu item indicates that all selected games already have this value. A checkbox with a circle around it indicates that some of the selected games have this value.

How to customize menu entries?

If you want to have some of the values under custom menu entries, you can do that by defining the “Custom menu path” in the add-​on settings. You can specify a default path for all items or individual ones for each item. By adding the symbol | you can add a subfolder and use placeholders {type} and {action} in the path. For example the custom menu path “special {type}|{action}” will add a feature under the menu entry “special Feature” with the submenu “Add”, “Remove” and/​or “Toggle”, depending on what checkboxes are ticked for that feature.