Who’s blogging here anyway?

Home » Who’s blogging here anyway?

Alexander Heidn

On the memorable date of November 21, 1979, I was born and from then on I was known for my mostly easy-​care but sometimes very loud mouth and above-​average weight.

My interest in (web)design was awakened quite early on and has actually continued throughout my entire computer/​internet journey. I started blogging in the early 2000s and was addicted to this hobby for a few years until I somehow ran out of steam and time. Now I’ve dared a reboot and continue to write here spontaneously and irregularly about everything that interests me, but also collect everything I’ve created over the decades. Apart from my family, my greatest passion is music, followed by good movies. Apart from these main topics, there are also books (especially comics), various geeky stuff and the odd anecdote.

Social Media

As a web citizen, I am of course not only to be found here. With the mass of interesting web offers nowadays, I have also got stuck on one or the other. If you like, you can also add me as a friend, if the respective website allows it!

Want to support me?

Blogging is my hobby and I am pleased about every comment and reader. But if you want to make me happy beyond that, you can do so in the following ways:

If you work for a promo agency, you are welcome to send me promo material on bands, movies etc.! That way I can write more reviews and maybe organize one or two competitions!